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Take a read of our publications online here.

A Duverdier, G Hurault, KS Thomas, A Custovic, RJ Tanaka (2024). Evaluation of measurement errors in the Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM) outcome. Clinical and Experimental Allergy.


G Hurault, JF Stalder, S Mery, A Delarue, MS Aroman, G Josse, RJ Tanaka (2022). EczemaPred: A computational framework for personalised prediction of eczema severity dynamics. Clinical and Translational Allergy.


A Duverdier, A Custovic, RJ Tanaka (2022). Data-driven research on eczema: systematic characterization of the field and recommendations for the future. Clinical and Translational Allergy.


G Hurault, E Roekevisch, ME Schram, K Szegedi, S Kezic, MA Middelkamp-Hup, PI Spuls, RJ Tanaka (2022). Can serum biomarkers predict the outcome of systemic immunosuppressive therapy in adult atopic dermatitis patients?. Skin and Health Disease.


RJ Toncic, I Jakasa, Y Sun, G Hurault, SL Hadzavdic, RJ Tanaka, S Kezic, B Marinovic (2021). Stratum corneum markers of innate and T helper cell-related immunity and their relation to the disease severity in Croatian patients with atopic dermatitis. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology & Venereology.


JG Holm, G Hurault, T Agner, ML Clausen, S Kezic, RJ Tanaka, SF Thomsen (2021). Immunoinflammatory Biomarkers in Serum Are Associated with Disease Severity in Atopic Dermatitis. Dermatology.


G Hurault, V Delorieux, YM Kim, K Ahn, HC Williams, RJ Tanaka (2021). Impact of environmental factors in predicting daily severity scores of atopic dermatitis. Clinical and Translational Allergy.


G Hurault, E Domínguez-Hüttinger, SM Langan, HC Williams, RJ Tanaka (2020). Personalised prediction of daily eczema severity scores using a mechanistic machine learning model. Clinical & Experimental Allergy.


MA McAleer, I Jakasa, G Hurault, P Sarvari, WHI McLean, RJ Tanaka, S Kezic, AD Irvine (2019). Systemic and stratum corneum biomarkers of severity in infant AD include markers of innate and Th-related immunity and angiogenesis. British Journal of Dermatology.


G Hurault, ME Schram, E Roekevisch, PI Spuls, RJ Tanaka (2018). Relationship and probabilistic stratification of EASI and oSCORAD severity scores for atopic dermatitis. British Journal of Dermatology.

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